Monday, March 2, 2015

Foto Gua di Bawah Batu Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhamma

Foto Gua di Bawah Batu Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad

Jika pengunjung telah menjelajahi situs Alhabib, ada satu halaman yang membahas tentang kebenaran gambar batu terbang yang disebut-sebut sebagai batu di mana Nabi Muhammad memulai Mi’raj ke langit ke tujuh. Ada beberapa versi cerita yang menyertai gambar batu terbang tersebut. Selain itu terjadi pula kesimpangsiuran tentang keberadaan batu yang asli di wilayah Yerusalem, Palestina.
Untuk memperjelas permasalahan ini, telah ditambahkan satu halaman baru di situs utama Alhabib yang membahas tentang “Batu Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad, Masjid Kubah Emas dan Al Aqsha“. Di sana dipaparkan secara ringkas sejarah batu isra’ mi’raj dan Masjid Kubah Emas (Qubah ash Shakhra) yang melingkupinya.
Melalui beberapa foto bagian dalam Masjid Kubah Emas, dijelaskan pula keberadaan sebuah gua yang berada di bawah batu tersebut. Dari sini dapat diduga mengapa berkembang cerita tentang “batu terbang” itu.
Selain itu ditampilkan pula gambar wilayah Al Quds dengan dilengkapi penjelasan tentang bangunan mana yang disebut sebagai Masjid Kubah Emas dan mana yang disebut sebagai Masjid Al Aqsha. Penjelasan ini ditujukan bagi mereka yang masih mengira bahwa Masjid Kubah Emas itu sama dengan Masjid Al Aqsha, meskipun kedua-duanya merupakan bangunan penting dan terhormat dalam tradisi kaum muslimin.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Seven Symptoms That Your Child Might Have Diabetes

Fruits for Diabetes - What Fruits Can A Diabetic Eat?

 by ryanmutt


Diabetic is a chronic disease causing health complications. The complications are tingling and numbness appearing in feet and hands. These also include vision problems and kidney failure. Diabetes is a risk prone towards heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes. To control high glucose level, people with diabetes fail to produce sufficient insulin or no insulin. Type 1 diabetes is based on genetics and type 2 is on diet and fatness. People with type 1 diabetes face difficulties to prevent, people with type 2 try to manage by dieting and exercising.

In macro sense, a good diet plan can help diabetes control the blood sugar levels. Fruits in a diet can naturally prevent diabetes. Colored fruits possess high anti-oxidant vitamins and fibers that let the blood sugar stabilize. It appears a false notion that diabetics should not have fruits. People with diabetes can have fiber- rich fruits including water million, strawberries, papaya, plums and muskmelon. These fruits can control blood sugar levels. Fresh lime supplies vitamins and minerals to the diabetics. On the contrary, fruit juices are to be restricted, because these contain much sugar.

In diet plan, it is better to avoid juice because it raises the blood sugar level. Mango, custard apples, banana and grapes contain high sugar ingredients and these fruits should not be included in the fruits group. Therefore, dry fruits possess high level of fat, and condensed energy so that these cannot be included in fruits group. Dates, the dark- colored oval fruits are to be excluded from the list of fruits, as because dates are rich in calories and be avoided by the diabetics. However, dried dates provide calcium and iron.

Hence, in moderation, diabetics may have apples, blueberries, cherries, kiwi fruit, pears, pineapples, mangoes, black currants. When you have 75 grams of any of these fruits, you will have 10 grams of carbohydrate. Similarly, to have 10 grams of carbohydrate, you have to consume 100 grams of guava, lemon, orange, papaya, peach, strawberries, or blackberries alternatively. One fifty grams of coconut meat, raspberries, or gooseberries can provide you ten grams of carbohydrate also. People with diabetics can adjust their fruits intake as per the requirement of the body. Fructose present in the fruits. Diabetics can have fruits like other healthy persons. The fruit, citrus contains manganese that is a useful ingredient for insulin. The western Ontario university has studied citrus possesses a flavonoid that contains insulin like properties. The flavonoid is also known as naringenin.

Even though fruits are permissible to the diabetics patients, excessive consumption of fruits can let the blood sugar level increase. You have to check the portion of the fruits always. Moderate consumption of fruits can control your blood sugar level.

Bitter melon is a traditional diabetic remedy in Far East. Bitter melon contains glucose absorption that increases insulin flow. It possesses insulin effectiveness also.

Onion group can help the blood sugar control. Garlic, leek, onion, and scallion belong to onion group.

Seven Symptoms That Your Child Might Have Diabetes


Being a parent, your child is your number one priority. There are countless well-known childhood illnesses/ diseases that most parents are on the lookout for, but one severe disease that affects approximately 13,000 United States children a year is diabetes, which is often overlooked. Diabetes is a disease that causes the child's body not to produce insulin, making them have too much sugar in their blood. Knowing these symptoms of diabetes is very important and could ultimately save your child's life.

1. EXTREME THIRST: The most common symptom of childhood diabetes is having extreme thirst. This happens because the excessive amount of sugar in the blood absorbs large amounts of water.

2. URINATING MORE FREQUENTLY: Kids with diabetes urinate more frequently. Because they are drinking a lot more water, they will need to use the bathroom more often than normal. They might be going to the bathroom more often during the night. If your child usually doesn't wet the bed, and now all of a sudden they do, that also might be a sign.

3. IRRITABILITYAND MOOD CHANGES: Irritability and mood changes occur a lot in kids. When their body doesn't have enough sugar, their body tries to take all the sugar that it has and move it through certain areas of the brain. This makes their sugar level go up and down, making them moody.

4. ABRUPT WEIGHT LOSS: Abrupt weight loss will also happen. Their bodies are trying to get energy from any place they can when they don't have enough sugar in their body to supply it. This causes the body to use up any fat it has stored to get that energy. This causes them to lose a lot of weight very suddenly. When the body doesn't receive the sugar it needs, their muscle tissue and cells begin to reduce in size, causing their weight to go down. Expelling the fluids out of their body makes them lose weight.

5. EXTREMELY TIRED OR WEAK: If your child is complaining about being extremely tired or extremely weak, there could be a problem. This again is because your child does not have enough sugar in their body to be used as energy. If they are unable to exert as much energy as they did before or the same amount as other kids their age, this could indicate there is a problem.

6. FRUITY SMELLING BREATH: Fruity smelling breath can occur with kids that have diabetes. This is because their body is in ketosis, which means that their body is in the process of eating stored fat and healthy muscles. This process releases ketones through their mouth which smell fruity. Ketones are the substances that a body makes when it breaks down the fat stores to be used for energy.

7. BLURRED VISION: Having blurred vision is a frequent symptom of diabetes in kids. Once again, since the body doesn't have enough sugar it pulls it from anywhere it can get it. So, the fluid in the lens of their eyes could be pulled out. This may affect their ability to see clearly, thus causing them to have blurry vision.
If your child experiences any of these symptoms, you should contact their doctor immediately. Even though this may seem terrifying, it will be worth it to know whether or not your child has diabetes and if so, get them started on a program to control their insulin levels.
More information on diabetes, diabetes diet plans and necessary diabetic supplies can be found at MiniPharmacy Diabetic Supplies.
Frank Buddenbrock, based in Los Angeles, California, is a writer and Search Engine Optimization genius. His company, SEO Einstein, consistently gets his clients onto Google's first page for major keywords.

Honey and Diabetes - Is Honey Good for Diabetes Patients

Honey and Diabetes - Is Honey Good for Diabetes Patients?


Is honey good for diabetes patients? The straight answer is yes; honey is natural; brewed and cooked by bees; its heavy component is fructose and glucose making up over 80% and 18% water. Vitamins are plenty too; these are B6, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid as well as certain amino acids. The better part of honey is that compared to sugar, honey has invert sugar ready for uptake with ease; while commercial sugar has to be inverted, thus taxing the alimentary canal to a big extend.

Have a look at the chemistry and physiological performance of each, it's amazing; honey is sweeter than sugar; it has more calories; one teaspoonful has about 65 while sugar has 45. Raw honey is rich as indicated above, with 180 different compounds that are of value to man; while sugar most of its contents remain sucrose nothing else. Antioxidants or antirust are found in honey which chemically remove free radicals in our bodies; at the moment, more research is on to determine what additional medical benefits are in store on this line. In short, honey is of medicinal value; it doesn't decompose; all forms of colds, flu etc can be handled well by honey plus diabetes and many more, which are yet to be researched.

What else do I say upon ingestion honey gets converted to glycogen - animal starch - and stored in the liver (savings bank of glucose) without much ado; a situation no one has understood well. A good start regimen to follow when diabetic is 2 to 3 table spoonfuls in the morning with any escort, be it a fruit or a short touch of yogurt. A free wheeler can add one more spoonful with a snack in between meals. In the evening at bedtime, another one to two spoonfuls is adequate. It comes as no surprise to all and sundry; beginners inclusive to ward off any temptation to panic, guidance and support should be sort from health personnel to reinforce any illusion on the contrary.

Illuminating reports suggest that, honey behavior has not been well understood in these insulin deficient fellows; no amount of it has proved disaster, if anything on all supplied cases, tolerance has been reported upon testing. All tests subjected to insulin deficient subjects, proved negative, negating the fundamental belief that honey is harmful to them. The suppositions are many to tie this presumption; bees suck the quintessence of a wide range of flower juices medicinal and the like I suppose adds something of their own to it via saliva or whatever, and manufactures honey. It's no wonder then, the belief is true, that honey fits into the curative diet of all diabetes, supplying remedies to the depleted organs.

Moringa Oleifera for Diabetes

by: Avon


Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by problems involving the hormone insulin. In healthy people, the pancreas releases insulin; insulin then works to help the body use and store the fat and sugar that is derived from the food that people eat. With diabetes, insulin can be compromised in a couple of different ways. In some cases, the pancreas doesn't produce any insulin at all. Other times, the body does not react in the right way to insulin - this is known as "insulin resistance." Finally, diabetes is sometimes characterized by a pancreas that produces an insufficient volume of insulin.    There are three main types of diabetes:     •          Type 1 diabetes     •          Type 2 diabetes     •          Gestational diabetes          Moringa Oleifera is a nutrient plant that can help to maintain normal blood sugar levels.         Moringa Oleifera holds so much promise for those who suffer from diabetes. This is primarily because of its many amazing, natural benefits. Moringa Oleifera has been shown to naturally boost the immune system, which usually becomes compromised in those who suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Moringa Oleifera has also been shown to possess many key anti-inflammatory benefits; diabetes often causes circulatory problems which can be managed through anti-inflammatory supplements. There are no negative side effects associated with Moringa Oleifera use, meaning that it is a safe, natural way for people to manage their blood sugar and care for their diabetes symptoms. It's just one more option for the many people who have to cope with this serious condition    Moringa Oleifera as a rich source of ascorbic acid helps in insulin secretion. It is interesting to note that certain nutrients like vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, protein and potassium – along with small frequent meals containing some carbohydrate – can actually stimulate production of insulin within the body.         A  female of  50 years old suffering from Type I diabetes for about six years. Prior she was treated with insulin shots averaging three times per day for diabetes, and tested with the result of normal range only 75% of the time during the blood glucose tests. After 30 days of taking the Moringa oleifera , she experienced improvement in her diabetes, and now she averages only two shots of insulin per day and requires 50% less of the fast acting insulin and 25% less of the slow acting insulin. After this, she makes a routine of using  Moringa oleifera and now the lady registers normal blood glucose levels 90% of the time, in all tests..    Grenera Nutrients is an integrated Moringa company that deals with everything from planting the oleifera trees to selling value added Moringa oleifera products. Yelixir is the flagship brand of our company. Since we control every part of the supply chain, all our products are 100% traceable. Our Moringa oleifera trees are grown organically without using any pesticides. We process the Moringa oleifera leaves and pods under hygienic conditions and using a special process, which helps the Moringa oleifera parts to retain maximum nutrients. Grenera Nutrients is contributing a lot for the research and application of Moringa oleifera in various fields and we are also investing to increase the awareness of Moringa to the general public.    For further details and for the purchase of these value added Nutrient supplement visit   For orders more than 50 USD we offer free shipping.

About Author: Avon Howard Jr. is a nutrition consultant and has been involved with the health food industry for more than 2 decades. He is a part of many research teams that has worked on the impact of various herbal extracts on the human body. His deep knowledge and vast experience of the health food supplements makes him the sought after consultant for many health food companies

Diabetes - America’s Unknown Epedemic

Are You Poisoning Yourself With What You Eat?

by: Max


I just received the results of my annual physical exam the other day.  The doctor said that my cholesterol was too high. It was lower last year by 10 points! How can it be too high this year? Anyway he wanted to put me on drugs to get it lower. 

Now I’ve been reading a lot lately about cholesterol, what causes it, and how best to lower it.  I decided I would try to find a way to lower it without the drugs.  I knew that the drugs could possibly cause liver damage. GREAT, not what I wanted.

Have you noticed all the side effects of almost any drug on the market?  Scares me into trying to learn all I can and to find alternatives to the drugs.

My research led me to trans fats.  Just what are trans fats and where do they come from. Aren’t trans fats in any form bad for you?

There is a difference between good trans fats and bad trans fats.  The bad trans fats have been shown to cause heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, but there is some proof that the good trans fat can aid you in getting a leaner body, muscle building, and cancer determent.

Over the last few years it has been stated in the news just how bad synthetic trans fats are for your health. These substances are some of the most offensive food additives and are found in the majority of all processed and fast foods on the market these days.

In their degree of danger to your health, man-made trans fats are as bad as smoking. They are one of the major factors for the outbreak of heart disease since about the 1950’s.

The FDA has required that food manufacturers list the grams of trans fat on all nutrition labels. You now have an easier way to avoid packages with trans fat included in them.

I wanted to clear up some things, specifically about bad trans fats vs. good trans fats, with all of the talk about trans fats in the news.  If you’ve never heard of good trans fats before, let me explain.

The Good Trans Fats

The good trans fats are all natural and they are healthy for you.  Natural trans fats are produced in the stomachs of animals like cattle, and sheep and make their way into the fat reserves of the animals. Therefore, the milk fat and the fat within the meat of these animals can supply natural healthy trans fats.

Natural trans fats in your diet have been thought to have some possible benefit to assist in both muscle building and fat loss attempts. However, keep in mind that the amount of healthy trans fats in the meat and dairy of animals is greatly lowered by their grain diets and methods of farming. Meat and dairy from grass-fed, free-range animals always have much higher amounts of these favorable fats.

One trans fat is called conjugated linoleic acid and has been retailed by many weight loss companies. Keep in mind that these man-made CLA pills may not be the top way to get natural trans fats in your diet, because they are artificially made from plant oils. Once again, man-made just doesn’t compare to the benefits of natural sources.

The Bad Trans Fats

The bad trans fats are the man-made kind. Any artificially hydrogenated oils exemplify these. Margarine, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods are the culprits. These hydrogenated oils are considerably processed using harsh chemical solvents like hexane (a component of gasoline), high heat, and pressure. 

They have a metal catalyst added, and are then deodorized and bleached. A small amount of the solvent is allowed to stay in the finished oil. Somehow the FDA still lets the food manufacturers put this in our food in vast quantities, even with the well-documented health dangers.

These hydrogenated oils cause irritation internally, which signals cholesterol as a healing agent to be deposited on artery walls. Heart disease has blown out of proportion since this has been added to our food supply.

Soon science will unveil how fatal these oils really are.  Eventually they will be banned from use. The labeling laws were simply the first step. Some countries around the world have already banned the use of hydrogenated oils in food manufacturing.

Most companies are replacing them, with highly refined polyunsaturated oils. These are still over processed oils using high heat, solvents, deodorizers, and bleaching agents. Even refined oils are known to yield irritation in your body...a far cry from natural sources of healthy fats.

 Your body will bless you as you avoid highly processed foods completely and choose whole, natural, minimally processed foods.

Keep in mind that if an amount of trans fat is listed on a meat or dairy product, it is most likely the natural good trans fats that we’ve talked about here. Otherwise, if the quantity of trans fat is listed on any processed foods, it is most likely the hazardous unwholesome fat from artificially hydrogenated oils.

Please stay away from these fats!  Now that all of your labels should be listing grams of trans fat it will be easy to spot the bad trans fats.

Stay away from any food that lists hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient. Your body will thank you for it.

I hope you will use this information to arm yourself with more wholesome food choices for a healthier body.  This was an intriguing look at good trans fat vs. bad trans fat that I hope you keep in mind while making food choices.

About Author: Max Allen is devoted to helping you find the correct methods to help you get a leaner and healthier body without you going through all the fluff and garbage that is out there. Let me be your filter.

Diabetes - America’s Unknown Epedemic

by: Tom


Diabetes alters the way your body uses food. The food you eat turns to sugar. Your blood takes this sugar throughout your body. Insulin assists in getting the sugar from the blood into the body to provide the energy your body needs. With diabetes your body does not get the fuel it needs, and your blood sugar stays high. High blood sugar can cause heart and kidney problems, blindness, stroke, the loss of a foot or leg, or even death.

However,you can manage diabetes. Be careful what you eat and get enough exercise, use medications wisely and check your blood sugar often.

There are two types of Diabetes.

Type 1 - The body does not produce any natural insulin. People with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 - The body does not make enough insulin, or use insulin well. The most prevalent type of diabetes is Type 2.

There is no specific diet for people with diabetes. Work with your doctor to come up with a plan that works for you. You can continue to consume your favorite foods by watching size of the portions.

The foods we eat are made up of: Carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, breads, juices, milk, cereals and desserts) fats,protein,cholesterol,
fiber (fruits, vegetables, beans, breads, and cereals).

Carbohydrates are the the biggest factor and most responsible for raising your blood sugar. Reading the Nutrition Facts label provided on food packaging can help to determine the number of carbohydrates in each serving.  You should be aware that most pre-packaged foods contain more than one serving. You can multiply the number of carbohydrates times five to determine the number of calories per serving. The resulting number suprises most people who don’t realize that they are consuming many more calories than they imagine.

You must maintain an exercise program. Try to be active at least 30 minutes a day for 4-5 days of the week. Even moderate exercise helps your body’s insulin work better. It will also lower your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and your cholesterol.

People with diabetes usually need to take medication or administer a shot of insulin each day. Be sure to follow the medications directions explicitly.
Check with your your doctor or pharmacist and ask them what your medication does, when to take them, and if you can expect any side effects.

Check Your Blood Sugar

You can help prevent heart disease and stroke by controlling your blood sugarlevel, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Check your blood sugar using a glucose meter (home testing kit) available by prescription from your doctor. The glucose meter tells what level your blood sugar is so you can make intelligent choices about your diet, determining which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.

Consult with your doctor about getting an A-1-C (A-onesee) blood test. This test measures blood sugar levels over 2-3 month period.

Most people with diabetes do not notice any signs of the disease. It is estimated the there are over 3 million people in the USA with diabetes that are unaware they have the disease.

Visit our website to keep up to date on news and information to help you with your diabetes.

The Best Diets for Diabetics

The Best Diets for Diabetics


When one has diabetes, it is important to consider which foods fulfill the essential nutritional needs to maintain a healthy life. The best diet for diabetics is generally similar to the kind of healthy eating that is suitable for everyone. Like the general population, people with diabetes need to focus on whole foods that are both rich in nutrients and high in fiber. This includes virtually all plant foods, most dairy products, lean meat, and poultry, as well as fish. However, there are two main forms of diabetes, and while both types benefit from these whole foods, each has different nutritional goals that need to be met to ensure the healthiest way of living.

With type 1 diabetes, studies show that total carbohydrates have the most effect on the maintenance of blood sugar control and the amount of insulin needed. Without a proper balance of insulin, carbohydrate intake, and physical activity, there can be radical changes in blood glucose levels. Additionally, if you have type 1 diabetes and are on a fixed dose of insulin, the carbohydrate content of your snacks and meals should be consistent on a day to day basis. In regards to children with type 1 diabetes, weight and growth patterns have proven to be useful in determining if they are getting enough nutrition in their diet.

When dealing with type 2 diabetes, the focus is primarily on weight control since 80 - 90% of people with this disease are overweight. A meal plan with reduced calories, an even distribution of carbohydrates, and healthier monounsaturated fats can help improve blood glucose levels. Examples of foods high in monounsaturated fat include peanut butter, walnuts, and almonds, as well as other nuts. These can be substituted for carbohydrates, but because these foods are high in calories, portions should be relatively small. In many cases, moderate weight loss and increased physical activity can control type 2 diabetes, although some people may require oral medications or insulin in addition to lifestyle changes. For children with type 2 diabetes, meal plans should be recalculated often to account for the child's change in calorie requirements due to growth. Moreover, it is best to serve children three smaller meals and three snacks in order to meet calorie needs. Changes in eating habits and increased physical activity help reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar control. It is also important to note that during times of excessive sweet consumption, such as holidays or birthday parties, children may still continue to eat sugar-containing foods, however, their daily amount of pastas, potatoes or rice should be eliminated to maintain an appropriate balance between calories and carbohydrates.

For both types of diabetes, here are some general guidelines to follow to create the proper balance between carbohydrates, protein, and fat:

Carbohydrate choices should come from whole-grain breads or cereals, brown rice, beans, pasta, fruits, and vegetables. Increasing dietary fiber is a general guideline for the entire population rather than specifically for people with diabetes. Because carbohydrates vary in their calorie content, they essentially affect weight and blood glucose control.

Protein intake should be approximately 15 - 20% of total calories. Proteins that are low in fat are recommended, such as non-fat dairy products, skinless poultry, legumes, fish, and lean meats, with portion sizes being no larger than a deck of cards.

Reduce the amount of dietary fat. Less than 7% of calories should come from saturated fat, which raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol should be less than 200 mg per day. Additionally, intake of trans-unsaturated fats, which are more commonly known as partially hydrogenated oils, should be minimized. Reduction of fat intake may help contribute to weight loss.

Limit sources of high-calorie and low-nutritional-value foods, including those with a high content of sugars. Foods containing sugar should be substituted for other carbohydrate sources (such as potatoes) rather than merely adding them on to the meal.

Diabetes: The $132 Billion Dollar Pandemic

by: Sittiwat


You know, it's not everyday a fellow like me gets to announce a major paradigm shift, much less concerning diabetes …or any other medical condition.
You don't know what a paradigm shift is? Well, if I mentioned events and names like: Gutenberg, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur, and Werner von Braun …you would probably guess a paradigm shift is major shift in thinking…and you would be right.
Back in the 1960's, Thomas Kuhn wrote a famous book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In it, he destroyed the common misconception so many of us have about science.
We tend to think scientific progress is ushered in by a slow, line upon line, piece by piece development of thought over time.
Thomas Kuhn showed that, historically, scientific progress occurs in leaps …and is always confronted by a struggle with an "old guard." The old scientific theorists hold tenaciously to their (usually tenured or profitable) positions and array themselves against the new discovery, attempting to drive it away.
But, the new guard - the new discoverers, inventors, explorers- takes the new discoveries and advances it over the thinking of the old establishment. Rarely is the old guard converted to the new patterns of thinking (new discovery). They just die off. The new position wins by attrition …truth…and perseverance.
Diabetes: The $132 billion dollar pandemic
Diabetes is on the front edge of such a paradigm shift.
Diabetes now afflicts over 18 million Americans. That is double the number of people with diabetes just since 1991 alone.
According to the CDC, one in every three Americans will develop diabetes in their lifetime. Let that sink in…one in every three Americans will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
It is estimated over 40 million Americans can be classified as "pre-diabetes" meaning they have blood sugar levels higher than normal but still below the type 2 diagnosis level which helps to define diabetes.
By anyone's standard that is pandemic (goes far beyond epidemic proportions).  The cost for this carnage is over $132 BILLION DOLLARS. So much expense, grief and sorrow…and unnecessary.
Diabetes: A reflection of our culture.
We are a fast food, sedentary, "get-our-fix-now" generation. More than one in every two Americans are overweight. We don't exercise as we should. All of which affects glucose levels.  Diabetes is a lifestyle disease…and we've got the lifestyle.
Diabetes: The important announcement
That said, diabetes is a condition which CAN be turned around. Glyconutrition is the new discovery shaking the medical and scientific worlds. There are four Nobel Prizes and MIT testifying to the fact that glycobiology is one of the 10 technologies/discoveries which will shape our world.
Glyconutrition is more than just a promising new treatment for diabetes. Many are starting to whisper "VICTORY" over diabetes in their approach to disease.
Whether that is the case, time will tell.
Oh no… The problem is not a failure of glyconutrition. It is the building block VITAL to healthy cellular function and it is extremely vital to the proper functioning of the IMMUNE system. Those are known facts.
Diabetes is an auto-immune disease meaning, your body's immune system gets misguided messages. Thus, it starts attacking the islet cells in the pancreas which produces insulin. Voila...diabetes!
But, the problem is NOT whether glyconutrition really works. Anecdotal evidence (market buzz!) is already overwhelming in favor of glyconutritional therapy for diabetes. As is the professional research.
No…the actual science is NOT the problem. The problem is the old guard again. Thomas Kuhn's book is almost prophetic. The old guard, the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, just can't accept the findings of (their own) research… "What! A nutrient… to treat diabetes?" "Hogwash," one can almost hear them say.
Actually, I wish they were saying that out loud. The reality is, they just ignore the issue. You see, too much is at stake. Like billions of dollars…uh…a $132 billion dollars. All of that money (read, "business") disappears if glyconutrition continues to "pan out" the way the research shows us. But, for now, the only thing "panning out" is a diabetes pandemic.
Yet, glyconutrition gets shunned as an official diabetes treatment approach.
A study published in the 1997 issue of the Proceedings of the Fisher Institute for Medical Research showed that people with type 1 diabetes who were given glyconutrients "…reported a dramatic improvement in their health, including a decrease in vision problems, better wound healing, less infections, and lower blood pressure." (Miracle Sugars, by Rita Elkins, M.H., Woodland Publishing, p. 26)
"Glycobiology has achieved critical breakthroughs in the medical field, primarily by addressing what could be the greatest plague in health care today -- auto-immune diseases. Multiple sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease and colitis are just a few of these diseases." - Dr. Neecie Moore, Ph.D. (cf. Rita Elkins, M.H.
Miracle Sugars, Woodland Publishing, p. 18.)
Also, mannose (one glyconutrient) can stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin  "…thus lowering the amount of insulin needed to control this disease." (Miracle Sugars, p. 27).
Reality Check:  The lives of 1 out of every 3 Americans are affected directly by diabetes and there is a $132 billion dollar diabetes pandemic running amuck in our midst. So, I sure hope this paradigm shift - glyconutrition - gets less opposition from the "powers that be" (the "old guard"), and is given its rightful place in the sun…soon.
But, with the money being made by the pharmaceuticals and their drugs, and the astoundingly simplistic view of disease treatment ("Blast that disease with technology and drugs!") it is doubtful if Thomas Kuhn's "paradigm shift" will work out any differently for diabetes across the land.
The old guard will attack and ignore the discovery - arguably, the greatest in medical history in over a hundred years - and, a la Kuhn, they will simply go the way of the Dodo Bird and diabetes treatment will receive its due.
Dr. Robert Gamble is retired from a very successful medical/surgical career spanning three decades. He is now active in researching medical issues such as glyconutrition… and offers his insights for public benefit. For information about Glyconutri

Can The Diabetes Diet Save Your Life

Can The Diabetes Diet Save Your Life ?

by: Ken


Did you know that approximately a quarter of all Americans are suffering from full blown Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes (syndrome X)? Diabetes has become an epidemic that allopathic (traditional western) medicine has been unable to halt. Ninety percent of diabetic patients have difficulty managing glucose levels using drugs that can have serious side effects.

The Diabetes Diet, created by Dr Richard Bernstein, may well be the best diet for everyone, not just diabetics. The reason for this is that it has the potential to not only control diabetic symptoms, but also to reverse them.

The Diabetes Diet has had enormous success - without side effects!

One of the major difficulties people have in recognizing they have the symptoms of diabetes is that they occur gradually. In fact, for the first couple of years, there may be no symptoms at all. Yet, once a person has Type 2 diabetes, they are at serious risk of life threatening complications if they do not carefully follow the low-carbohydrate Diabetes Diet prescribed by Bernstein.

Type 2 diabetes is largely a lifestyle disease and, unfortunately, far too few people understand how extremely dangerous it is. Consequently, patients are often far too casual about getting regular medical check ups to check on blood sugar levels and general health.

Not only do many sufferers find it extremely difficult to radically alter their diet from western convenience foods to the Diabetes Diet containing whole nutritious foods, avoiding sugar and fat as much as possible, they often become depressed and anxious and paralyzed by negative emotions. This can keep them from taking the very actions required to improve their health and keep them alive. It also suppresses the motivation necessary to undertake a regular exercise program.

This diet for Diabetics was created to control blood sugar levels in diabetics, however it clearly benefits everyone. The diet focuses on eating protein, good fat and complex carbohydrates found in whole grains and fruit and vegetables.

By eating this way, people can avoid the fluctuating blood sugar levels caused by a high carbohydrate  (simple carbohydrates). Bernstein describes the modern Western diet as SAD (standard American diet) and claims it has directly caused a massive increase in obesity, high blood pressure and damage to the lining of the blood vessels.

Dr. Bernstein, who has Type 1 diabetes, did not experience a healthy life until he devised his own diet to regulate his blood sugar levels. Many diabetics, both Type 1 and Type 2, have experienced a balancing of blood sugar levels and an overall improvement in health and well being after going on The Diabetes Diet. In fact, Bernstein claims that sticking to this diet for as little as two weeks can provide an enormous benefit. Once you have experienced this, he believes you’ll never want to go back to SAD.

While Type 2 diabetes can be caused by some medications, it is usually a direct result of poor nutrition, inadequate exercise and a diet high in sugar and fat. Therefore, it is probably unrealistic to expect that a person can change the habits of a lifetime overnight.

Yet, this is what must happen to improve the lives and futures of type 2 diabetics. Health must become the top priority. The Diabetes Diet provides an excellent map to reclaiming health.

Change is necessary and must not be avoided. However, neither should it be so overwhelming that the patient can’t cope with the thought of it. The answer is to make gradual, but consistent, changes in lifestyle.

For example, the first step might be to start walking every day. Just go as far as comfortable and try for a little more the next day. Drink more water. Cut out all fast foods.  These changes would be radical enough for most Type 2 diabetics but, in fact, they don’t go far enough.

However, doing them will improve health and mood and put the patient in a more positive and hopeful frame of mind so they can take further steps. If they continue, eventually, the patient’s lifestyle will be completely overhauled and internal resistance to these changes will have been limited. It is certainly possible to eat according to this weight loss program without undue suffering.

The answer to positive lifelong change in a person’s lifestyle lies in their own motivation. It is possible to encourage that motivation through gradual, supportive change. The Diabetes Diet provides the guidance and support a lot of people need.

Effective Home Remedies for Diabetes

by Ankit Pandey


 The word diabetes can be medically referred as mounting amount of blood honey and abnormal passage over glucose via urinal detail. nonetheless, absence over insulin or even its decrease volume which are organism is alleged to be the main cause of diabetes. from previous few years, the situations about diabetes have alarmingly expanded, making it a serious illness nationwide. maybe the young ones are found impacted with this illness not to mention the superior ones. The disease can be detected via a check taken to identify the blood sugar level which are body. people typically having stoutness are generally unnatural with this syndrome.

Diabetes have become mostly non-curable, claim once unnatural with this illness the affected person rest affected for the rest of his/her life. The treatment within trouble is mainly focused on controlling blood sugar amount in the system to extend the life span within patient.

In addition to clinical remedy, diabetes may also be controlled by following a few home treatments. which are after line we now have outlined a few easy in order to monitor domicile treatments targeted diabetes. see on"��

Bitter melon or bitter protect is said to acquire awesome potentiality to control the blood darling degree in the organism. consequently, it s endorsed even with medical professionals to add them with items intake.

Fenugreek is usually a plant which is also used when herbs and flavor. But, the conceal is additionally quite efficient targeted diabetes. The serene should glug a cup about juice inside the lodge within each morning. The sprout of the conceal besides joystick blood darling amount and brings get the glucose point. consequently, its potent targeted diabetes.

yet another approach to domicile treatments targeted diabetes will making use of black raisins. add a number of black raisins within water and allow it in a single day. during the morning, remove the raisins with water and glug it. maintain this particular procedure on during some days until the outcomes of the black raisins kicks with.

put tomatoes, plum and ginger fruits within your menu consumption. They have amazing medicinal house to manage blood honey which are system.

create a mixture of mango juice and Indian choice and it is important to drink it three times in a day. You will apply something different and rejuvenating after 1 month"��s continuously drinking up the juice mixture.

a further domestic treatments targeted diabetes is always to solar the depart using bay for 2 days. toil them inside pleasant powder. enroll in 5 gms inside the powder into a tumbler of water and glug it. respect this method for 10 days.

Controlling Diabetes Should Be Easy

Controlling Diabetes Should Be Easy


Getting the diagnosis of diabetes is never an easy thing, but controlling and managing this condition can be. Now more than ever technology is allowing diabetics to continue to live normal lives while still ensuring their blood sugar levels are under control and their health remains in tact. However, controlling diabetes can seem impossible at first, so you need to learn more about the options you have available in order to take advantage of them.

What You Eat Matters
When your doctor first tells you that you have diabetes, you may have a number of questions as a result. One of the first, and most important, questions to answer is, "What does a diabetic eat?" Since you are told that diabetes is a condition that affects the management of your blood sugar, you need to learn the proper diet for diabetes patients. Controlling diabetes starts with learning the sugar content of foods and avoiding foods that impact your blood glucose level.

You might be taught that fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are the best choices for ensuring your body stays health and your diabetes is under control. You will also be told that meats and dairy products can also be beneficial in certain portions. While this diet for diabetes might seem a little complicated, it becomes easier over time. You might want to ask for a clear list of the things you can and you can not eat. This will help you easily make the best decisions for your health.

Monitoring Your Blood Sugar
If you're controlling diabetes with your diet, you need to monitor your progress as you do. Since everyone's body is different, it becomes necessary to look at glucose numbers to see how you are doing. Blood sugar control isn't a difficult process, however, with the newer glucose meters. Just a small prick of your finger or arm can help you see how your blood sugar level is doing at any part of the day. By checking this regularly before and after meals (and as directed by your doctor), you can begin to see trends in your blood sugar levels and learn how to manage ups and downs.

Blood sugar control only takes a few minutes of your time each day, and with the simple meters, no one even has to know you're checking your blood. Just head to the bathroom or off to a private area, check your glucose numbers, and then get back to your life.

If you should notice your blood sugar level going too high or too low, you can take immediate action to correct the reading. In the beginning, this might happen more often than your doctor may like, but as you get the hang of your diet, it will become less and less of a problem.

Controlling diabetes begins with a proper diet for diabetes and continues with blood sugar control. And while the changes you make might seem challenging at first, when you realize you only have to make these two changes in your life to keep yourself healthy, diabetes doesn't seem to be all that scary anymore.
Written by Diabetics for Diabetics, Diabetes Self-Defense® Weekly Journal and Reference Manual provides a yearly Diabetes journal. This book is written for all people living with diabetes or pre-diabetes to live the healthiest, happiest, and longest lives possible. Created in a classic, wire-bound notebook style for convenience and portability, this all-in-one Diabetes resource book is designed to be a comprehensive Diabetes management journal. This diabetic manual is designed to reach and guide all sufferers at every age.

Man's Waist Size May Predict Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

by: Sittiwat


New studies concluded that man's waist size may predict much more about his risk of developing type 2 diabetes type than any other used measures. Currently doctors use body mass index (BMI) a measure of weight in relation to height to estimate a patient's risk of developing type 2 diabetes and advise him how to lower his risk, such as by losing weight and changing their diet.

Many opinions say that men should have a waist size of less than 40 inches to help prevent developing of health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. But recent medical observations say the cutoff for a man's waist size may need to be lowered to 34 inches. As waist size climbed above this level, type 2 diabetes risk rose progressively, as follows:

 waist size of 34 to 36 doubled diabetes risk.
 waist size of 36 to 38 inches nearly tripled the risk.
 waist size of 38 to 40 inches was associated with five times the risk.
 waist size of 40 to 62 inches was associated with 12 times the risk.
Measuring your waist circumference is a simple way to help you identify the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. If you want to do it, note first that it is something different to belt size and follow this procedure:

take off your shirt and loosen your belt,
then place a tape measure around the waist at a point 1cm below your tummy button,
take care to measure the waist circumference with the abdomen relaxed, while breathing out.
Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men such as diabetes
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If You Have To Take Your Blood Sugar Why Not Make It Pain Free

by: Sittiwat


As a Diabetic your morning ritual consists of waking up, going to the bathroom, washing your hands and face and then testing your blood sugar. If you happen to take insulin or other medication you may need to take your blood sugar often throughout the day.  Why not use a Meter and lancing system that require the smallest dose possible.
Diabetes has become a huge industry.  Every Sunday a major drugstore chain has a 1/2 page or full page color ad in their flyer dedicated to diabetes care.  Blood meters, Alcohol swabs, Lancets and food shakes are often featured items.  In any given week you may have the opportunity to get the latest and greatest Blood glucose Meter free after rebate, or free with strip purchase.
Sure they are anxious to give away free meters.  With Test Strips running about $80 per box of 100 they earn their money back in no time.  The question is how to you know which is the best meter for you.  Looking over the meters, the testing methods are similar, insert Strip in Meter, Draw Blood, apply blood to strip, wait 5 seconds or more for result.  The accuracy of the meters are roughly the same, the cost of strips are roughly the same, so how do you choose.
All other factors being equal I chose the meter that requires the smallest blood sample.  Currently that meter is the Free Style Flash
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Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri

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