Sunday, February 22, 2015

Myths about Diabetes

Myths about Diabetes

 by Elle Wood


You can catch diabetes from someone else.
 Although we don't know exactly why some people develop diabetes, we know diabetes is not contagious. It can't be caught like a cold or flu. There does seem to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly Type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle factors also play a part. If you do have diabetes, diabetes management is imperative, and now considerably easier with the help of mobile diabetes management.
People with diabetes can't eat sweets or chocolate.
 If eaten as part of a healthy meal plan, matched with a medication regimen, or combined with exercise, sweets and desserts can be eaten by people with diabetes. They can be incorporated into any healthy eating plan.
Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.
 Diabetes is not caused by eating too much sugar. It is a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors. However, being overweight does increase your risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, eating a healthy meal plan and regular exercise are recommended to manage your weight.
People with diabetes should eat special diabetic foods.
 A healthy meal plan for people with diabetes is the same as that for everyone - low in fat (especially saturated and trans fat), moderate in salt and sugar, with meals based on whole grain foods, vegetables and fruit. Diabetic and "dietetic" versions of sugar-containing foods offer no special benefit. They can still raise blood glucose levels, are usually more expensive and can have a laxative effect if they contain sugar alcohols.
If you have diabetes, you should only eat small amounts of starchy foods, such as bread, potatoes and pasta.
 Starchy foods are part of a healthy meal plan. What is important is the portion size. Whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, rice and starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams, peas and corn can be included in your meals and snacks. The key is portions. For most people with diabetes, having 3-4 servings of carbohydrate-containing foods per meal is about right. Whole grain starchy foods are also a good source of fiber, which contributes to a healthy body.
People with diabetes are more likely to get colds and other illnesses.
 You are no more likely to get a cold or any other illness if you have diabetes. However, people with diabetes are advised to get flu shots. This is because any infection interferes with your blood glucose management, putting you at risk of high blood glucose levels and, for those with Type 1 diabetes, an increased risk of ketoacidosis.
Insulin causes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure.
 Insulin does not cause atherosclerosis. In the laboratory, there is evidence that insulin can initiate some of the early processes associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, some physicians were fearful that insulin might aggravate the development of high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. But it doesn't.
Insulin causes weight gain and because obesity is bad for you, insulin should not be taken.
 Both the UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study) and the DCCT (Diabetes Control & Complications Trial) have shown that the benefit of glucose management with insulin far outweighs the risk of weight gain.
Fruit is a healthy food. Therefore, it is ok to eat as much of it as you wish.
 Fruit IS a healthy food. It contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. Because fruit contains carbohydrates, it needs to be incorporated into your overall diabetes management plan . Talk to your dietitian about the amount, frequency and types of fruits you should eat, and about how fruit counts in your meal plan.
You don't need to change your diabetes regimen unless your A1C is greater than eight percent.
 The better your glucose control, the less likely you are to develop complications of diabetes. An A1C in the sevens (7s), however, does not represent good control. The ADA goal is less than seven percent. The American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) recommends A1C goal of less than 6.5%. The closer your A1C is to the normal range (less than six percent), the lower your chances of complications. Talk with your healthcare provider about the best goal for you.
EOS Health takes diabetes and Diabetes Management
concerns very seriously, and with its introduction of its mobile diabetes management
application, you should too. Visit EOSHealth to learn of all the advancement in the world of diabetes management.

Effective Diabetes Management Lowers the Hazards of Complications

 by jamesnapier


When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, he or she usually panics because not the disease itself, but its possible complications are extremely frightening. Diabetes can lead to serious health conditions like damage of the blood vessels; heart disease, kidney failure, eye problems, leg and foot problems. Even though this might sound very scary, with an effective diabetes management, complications can be avoided. All diabetes patients must fully understand that in order for them to live with this disease and to enjoy many years of life, they have to do some important changes. Of uttermost importance in managing diabetes and in lowering the hazards of complications are the medication, the diet and the physical activity.

Under no circumstances should patients neglect the treatment that the doctor is prescribing them. It can either be an insulin therapy or some other therapy, but the main point is that the recommended treatment scheme should be followed step by step. Medication is indeed the key to living a life close to normal, but it is not all it takes. Diabetes sufferers should also change their diet and include physical exercise in their daily routine. This all starts with a change in their mentality. A healthy lifestyle is not an ordeal, but it is the single alternative to live long and happy years without suffering of diabetes complications.

Unhealthy dietary habits need to be replaced with healthy ones. Patients with diabetes should base their diet on fruits and vegetables and they should also consume fibers and whole grains. Such a diet will diminish the risk of developing a heart disease. The intake of salt should be close to zero in order to help kidneys perform their activity easier. Smoking is completely out of the question for diabetes sufferers because it can lead to dangerous complications.

In managing diabetes, physical exercise also plays an important part. Keeping complications away, physical activity is recommended to be done three times a week, for thirty minutes. It might be wise to ask the physician what kind of exercises are best to be done because every patient has his or hers particularities.

As long as the patients realize that a diabetes diagnosis implies a bunch of changes that they need to do, managing the disease won't be anything complicated. Will and determination are required and there are high changes for complication never to occur. With the help of these effective diabetes management techniques you can lower the hazards of complications.

Self Test for Blood Sugar Level



What is home test kits of blood sugar level? Home test kits is the instruments you can use to measure your blood sugar numbers at home at your convenience. It is normally easy and convenient to use.

If you think you belong to high risk of getting diabetes group, it is encouraged to do home test for blood glucose level especially if you belongs to older age people. Regardless if your have diabetes record in family history or not, it is always better to keep yourself fit and healthy and do a body checkup annually.

Normally people who have diabetes always experience symptoms such as loss sight of vision, fatigue, losing weight drastically, as well as easily feel starvation and thirsty. In this case, daily monitoring is an important factor in regulating blood sugar level carefully. There are several home kits which can be purchased from local pharmacies that do not actually need prescription from a physician. Such kits come with some lancets, test strips and user's manuals. These home test kits use batteries to function and are considered the suitable testers to use as they can give uptodate results.

Home test for blood sugar level can be started by using the following basic steps. First is by inserting the glucose strip into the blood sugar meter. Rub your finger with alcohol to sterilize your finger then prick it using the lancet provided in the kit. Draw a few blood drops and set them on the glucose test strip. Secure the lid and after little moment, you'll know the result is complete once you hear a beep.

There are basically different kinds of self test for diabetes level kit, soselecting the right one for your needs should be able to provide you with the relief of pricking blood only from your fingers instead of the arms, too. You should get the diabetes home test kit that are tested by the Food and Drug Administration, so you would want to look for the FDA seal as well to make sure that you are only using one which is proven to give accurate results.

Lastly, testing diabetes level at home is very important to find out whether your diabetes level is within control or your diabetes level is losing control. This will relates to the results of your diabetes management. If the results is bad, then you must instantly seek for doctor advice and revise your diabetes plan. With that, the diabetes home test kits will help immensely in measuring the effectiveness of your diabetes management.

Are you an expert insulin user?

 by wpronline


A large number of patients with Diabetes require Insulin and often develop Insulin deficiency. However, they simply need to take it with the help of a syringe or pen devices. This Insulin then keeps glucose or sugar in normal range, keeping a person healthy.

Unfortunately, in countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc where paramedic support is poor, Insulin treatment becomes more difficult. Most doctors prescribe Insulin but they have no time to train patients about taking Insulin shots. Very often an untrained person trains patients.

And so Insulin prick-related problems are common in these countries. Problems like lipohypertrophy, injection site marks, infections are more common Indian and Asian patients.

Injection sites and angles
One of the most important aspects of Insulin injection technique is injection site. Insulin should reach subcutaneous tissue, that is, the layer of fat below skin. So areas like abdomen [except around navel], outer side of thigh and arms are considered as good sites. Unfortunately, many patients still inject it into the forearm or calf region, which is not correct.

Apart from site, the next important thing is angle of injection. Earlier, longer needles of 12 mm were available and hence it was recommended to inject at 45-degree angle so as to avoid intramuscularly injection, particularly in individuals with a thin built. But nowadays, shorter needles of 5 to 6 mm are available. With these needles, it is best to inject Insulin at 90-degree angle.

Injection site rotation is yet another important concept. If Insulin is injected at same point then that area of skin becomes more fatty and this is called lipohypertrophy. Insulin injected into this area is absorbed slowly and erratically and this makes sugar control difficult. Since the prick in this area is painless, the patient prefers it but later on gets in trouble due to fluctuations in glucose levels. Thus, it is very important that a patient should inject at different points and should go on rotating injection sites.

Insulin absorption
Another focus should be on the site of injection and rate of Insulin absorption. Most of the studies show that absorption is most rapid at abdomen. Hence it is important that morning Insulin or short acting Insulin can be injected into abdomen while night insulin can be injected into thigh. Alternatively, all morning shots can be taken on abdomen while evening shots on thigh so as to make insulin absorption more consistent. This would avoid unexpected variation in insulin level due to injection site change.

Reusing needles

How often to reuse needle- is also an important issue. Though needles are made for a single use, in India, most of the patients are reusing needles due to cost factor.
Ideally a patient should not reuse a needle, but still if one has to, then consider a few points. Better not to reuse a needle more than thrice or four times. Do not boil it. In fact, do not touch the needle. Maintain personal hygiene and wash hands before injecting insulin.

A thumb rule

When a patient reuses a needle, its tip becomes blunt and it can cause injury to skin and create a point for bacterial entry, leading to infection. Thus, as a rule of thumb, if a needle hurts, do not reuse it

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